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Diesel Exhaust Exposure

Toxic Exposure Attorneys Reviewing St. Louis Gateway Yard Railroad Injury Claims
Freight train on tracks with diesel exhaust

Railway Cancer Lawyers

Investigating new occupational cancer claims on behalf of former Alton & Southern and Union Pacific Gateway Yard workers

St. Louis has long been an important industrial hub, connecting the east to the west with an extensive railroad system. The Gateway Yard in East Saint Louis has been a part of that critical network that sits at the epicenter of the nation’s economic progress.

Our lawyers have seen a concerning trend among former railroad workers who fall ill years after first working for a rail company. Many individuals have developed the same types of cancers and related lung diseases, which can be linked to a wide range of toxic exposures, including diesel exhaust exposure. 

When a former worker is diagnosed with an occupational lung disease or a cancer linked to toxic materials, they have the option of pursuing legal action to help pay for the difficulties ahead. 

Contact a toxic exposure lawyer to discuss your legal options and to learn more about what toxins you may have been exposed to at your rail yard. Call us at (513) 381-2333 to begin reviewing your workplace injury claims.

What is Covered in a Railroad Injury Settlement?

Former Alton & Southern, Union Pacific and Gateway Yard workers have filed suit against their employers for failing to protect them at the workplace. The following can be recovered in railroad injury claims:

  • Healthcare and medical costs
  • Coverage for medication, surgery, and cancer treatments
  • Costs not covered by health insurance
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Overall reduced quality of life
  • Wrongful Death

About Gateway Yard

Gateway Yard was first built by the Alton & Southern Railway company, and is now owned and operated by Union Pacific.

There are ten arrival tracks that feed over the hump into a 66-track classification yard. The yard has historically been very busy, and in the late 1990s, the hump was handling 2,400 rail cars per day.

Thousands of workers have been staffed at Gateway Yard over the years, including mechanics, machinists, electricians, pipefitters, engineers, conductors, equipment operators and others. Just about anyone who worked in the vicinity of a railyard could have been exposed to diesel exhaust, asbestos, creosote, silica and other toxins. The smell of diesel was apparently so pervasive at many railyards across the country, that workers would drag home the unmistakable odor on their clothing and person. 


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What Illnesses Are Linked to Diesel Exposure?

Medical experts and OSHA safety officials have been alarmed at the number of serious medical conditions that result from long-term employment at rail yards. The following have been associated with occupational toxic exposure:

  • Lung Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Nasopharyngeal Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
  • Myelodysplastic Syndrome 
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia 
  • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 
  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Aplastic Anemia
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Emphysema
  • Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome
  • Interstitial Lung Disease
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis 
  • Mesothelioma

Former employees at Gateway Yard and other St. Louis railyards may be entitled to compensation under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). Workers’ compensation can also provide injured workers with relief, and anyone who is suffering from an illness that resulted from toxic exposure should contact a railroad cancer attorney.

Who is at the Highest Cancer Risk?

The longer a worker has been exposed to toxins, the greater the chances of developing an occupational cancer. Thus, the longer the employment period at Union Pacific or another rail company, the higher the risk for workers. Any individual who was exposed to silica, asbestos materials, or diesel fumes on a regular basis is at risk of later falling ill. Contact a lawyer as soon as a confirmed diagnosis is available. 

Why Hire The Lyon Firm?

It is important to work with a legal team that has proven success and has the experience and industry ties to reach you the best compensation package possible. Our lawyers have two decades of experience filing workplace toxic exposure lawsuits, and have the resources to fast-track your case. 

Each individual claim is unique, and your compensation will depend on your work history, your specific diagnosis and whether you are able to work in the future. Our lawyers can help you pay for all medical bills, past and future, as well as get you long-term disability if you are unable to return to the work force. 

photo of attorney Joe Lyon
A Voice for Those who have suffered

Why Should I File a Claim?

We believe very strongly that America’s railroad workers deserve a fair compensation package after years of service. If a worker falls ill directly due to occupational diesel exposure, they may file a claim to not only help pay for mounting medical costs but to fight for justice. A safe workplace ought to be a basic right, and by filing a work injury claim, you will be holding your employer accountable for damages as well as helping future workers. 


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Gateway Yard Diesel Exposure FAQ

How Do You File A Railroad Injury Lawsuit?

We will discuss the full process with you when you contact us regarding your situation. The Lyon Firm will assume the difficult task of linking your current medical condition to your specific work history. Such cases can be complex but our experts in the field have been able to settle with multiple rail companies following worker cancer claims and injuries. 

Who Is Responsible For My Injury?

Your direct employer is likely responsible for any illness contracted during your career. Companies have a duty to properly protect workers by training them on the health hazards of toxic materials and providing the proper safety equipment. 

Is It Hard To Win a Diesel Cancer Case?

The success rates of settlements in toxic occupational diesel exhaust cases are very high. Studies have shown the link and the courts have been receptive to the medical science that associates toxic exposure to various medical conditions. 

Your Right to Justice

Filing Railroad Injury Lawsuits